How to choose a machine to count coins?

Oct 17, 2009

Still counting and sorting your coins manually?, Why not invest the time spent on other tasks for your business more profitable?

Forget about the tedious and unhygienic work, there are now machines that will do the job automatically.

Any company that works with cash knows the complications involved the manipulation of money, especially coins. Besides being unhygienic task, due to dirt (usually in the form of fat), no doubt it can even lead to certain diseases transmitted by contact transmission.

Currently there are machines which can:

- Count. Get the result of the number of coins

- Sort. To separate the different types of coins each

- Detect or foreign coins. Like the counterfeit detector may include discarding the role of alloy coins of this type. Only in 2008 in Spain were found 198,000 counterfeit coins. An example is the following report in the World: SEVILLE .- The National Police has intercepted more than 600 two-euro coins false in an operation in Seville, in which a woman has been arrested as suspected Chinese nationals responsible for introduction in Spain. The analysis conducted by police experts have determined the high quality of the coins that had intercepted virtually undetectable to the general public.

Because of the many types of equipment found in the market, we recommend that you ask the machine manufacturer that best suits your business needs.

Concerning the detection of counterfeit coins machines are certified by the Bank of Spain and the European Central Bank with 100% detection of forgeries. You can check these results:

1. At the Bank of Spain
2. The European Central Bank

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