Consume less energy at home

Sep 11, 2009

The energy problem has become urgent, the traditional sources of energy are in danger of extinction over the fact that they are very harmful to the environment. The search in the whole world is to find less harmful energy sources but capable of producing the energy needed to cover the world demand in coming years. The issue is insoluble in a few decades, so-called renewable sources advocated by the Kyoto Protocol, are not yet able to produce enough energy for mankind. So technologies must be adapted to reduce consumption of energy waiting to find a real alternative source. Considerable energy savings can be achieved with a series of minor changes, more or less simple, such as replacing traditional light bulbs with fluorescent ones, which emit higher energy equal to energy consumed, the replacement of fixtures or old boiler obsolete, or the thermal insulation of walls or produce washing machines with two entrances either hot or cold water thereby avoiding electrically to heat the water inside the appliance. To encourage energy conservation through the rational use of energy efficient technologies and the various governments play active information and awareness campaigns, incentives and funding for housing in the name of savings. Growth efficiency and waste minimization are also the first requirement for the development of renewable sources. Reducing waste, you will obtain capital to invest in research of renewable energy. Save energy becomes the primary source of renewable energy.

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