iPhone vs Samsung Omnia i900

Sep 11, 2009

3G iPhone has created an expectation so powerful as to create a wave of purchases crowds just appeared on stores. Indeed in many respects identical to the 2G was also well over a year left in America and the Europeans drool while having one. Certainly enjoyed the fact that there was competition for all this time pretending to take some kind of revolution. I think that from a technical standpoint, the real news was represented by touch screen that provides functionality to any phone in more than transforming the interface from a to z. Because for the rest there are a number of phones that do things that makes the iPhone and even better

Few people are sure to say that just 10 days after the release of the iPhone in Italy we could find on the shelves well the Samsung Omnia i900. Someone with his iPhone in hand we'll be wondering what will this well Omnia i900. I tell him that if he had a attimino patience could better spend his money. This Samsung offers a line very similar to that of the rival and the only thing that is below the display. 0.3 "less for a slightly lower resolution of course. Across the rest in my opinion the iPhone takes a sound beating from Samsung Omnia i900, and after conducting extensive testing I can say with certainty.

Should go to know in detail the characteristics of these two devices. The iPhone now know it well while the Samsung has just come out and slowly they discover any defects. There are many areas where it excels Omnia i900 which we can say without fear of failure that on the whole those who bought the iPhone if you have not already they will repent. Italian consumers mainly seen how we dealt with the Apple. Samsung indeed decided to begin its own territory Samsung Italian market the Omnia i900 at a lower price compared to other European countries.

On one side are the last wheel of the cart and we have to overcome even with the tariffs Vodafone and Tim. With the i900 Omnia there is no fee for the device studied and the exclusive sales will be delivered to two major shopping centers including certainly Mediaworld.

Read the full article where we compare in detail the features of the Samsung i900 Omnia vs iPhone.

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