The SME sector a good opportunity for a Systems Engineer

Oct 23, 2009

The SME sector a good opportunity

We know that today the micro and medium businesses is the lifeblood of countries like Mexico and that this business provides services not only creates jobs, buy and sell at half scale, but creates different relations, interacting with each of the clients of their portfolio which has to be increased in order to survive as only you can make one or a few talks over the issue of credit and financing.

This has been an opportunity for people to leak that has not been prepared to get a job at a major company, however, there must be a capital or capital to start with the dream of business development.

Many professionals lose many hours of his life searching for important works in trying to accommodate businesses and large upscale glamorous jobs, being able to exploit their capabilities and potential to earn each of the weights for which they work.

If you have capital and you consider yourself ready for a turn in which you can exploit your skills and begin to develop your economy, some example will a micro-enterprise

Step 1 .- Introduction:

In this part, the SME or independent, must detail the goods or services provided, ie what it does and what it sells and to whom and how.

This information should be found or have done already in the business plan and is the foundation of all, knowing what we do and for whom.

Step 2 .- Analysis of the situation:

This step is essential because of the findings of these tests depend strategy and all other actions that will result from our plan. Let's see it in parts.

2.1 .- To analyze the general conditions:

Do not forget to analyze the following factors within the general conditions are given for our SMEs.

Trends of demand ( "grows, it grows? Who makes the purchase, how, when, etc.?).

Social and cultural factors of our clients.
Demographics of the target.

Economic conditions and geographical area of operation.
Laws, regulations and policies that may affect our SMEs.

No need to write a book but you must know the relevant facts, may be points that are most important and influencing others less. Focusing on the first is fundamental.

More than an SME or self has had a great product or service and then not have realized that it was a good time to take action or elected him shortly before a law change the playing field.

It is therefore important to consider any aspect of 'general' that could affect the company and analyze it, then you may not be important but that little importance should be the result of a final analysis and not a prior intuition.

2.2 .- Analyze the competition:

We must analyze SMEs or independent competitors, their products, financial resources, strengths and weaknesses, strategy, etc..

If necessary, go to them and see how they work, to write down everything that seems good and everything seems negative, there may be aspects of the first to include in your business and others want to avoid the latter to all costs.

Analyze competitors is key in understanding the market and our business.

Find out everything you can, SMEs and the self that are your competition, sooner or later, react to their actions and strategies, so you must know everything you can.

2.3 .- Analyze the conditions of your company:

The same has been analyzed from our competitors is to analyze our own SME or business. Our resources, the overall strategy, the strengths and weaknesses, etc..

Be honest, (sometimes painfully honest) must be known to hide weaknesses and improve competitive as possible and the strong to exploit all that is done (actions including advertising)

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