What is the IP?

Nov 16, 2009

We follow with a little theory, we have seen in the previous article on this some of Ip have been appointed but I would not delve too deeply into the issue so now try to explain this so that everyone can eTender.

Noted earlier that the IP address used to locate systems that are connected to a network but has not said much more and the first thing is that we see as an IP address: <- this should have the several thousand Spanish ...

The above address is an IP v4 address which is veiĆ³n Ip was being used and used in time but are now changing the systems and an IP address can be:

fe80:: d58d: cb75: 6029: d199

This is one of the Ip will use shortly and type V6, but well, we go with more because we put theory.

One thing, and that means you have asked Ip? for nothing I will unravel the mystery, Ip stands for Internet Protocol, or what is the same, Internet protocol, and yes, it means what the words say Protocol, which is a series of standards and the Internet, that means ....

Now some may be wondering how many computers the world that have the same IP address ... recall the case of thousands of telephone users will like it ... very simple Ip, IP addresses are divided into 3 main groups according to network size.

Group 1: Internet
Group 2: size "medium"
Group 3: Local Area Network, or Local Area Network or LAN ... .. Do you does this sound?

Well we know that we have three types, which is why the networks of our neighbors, colleagues, parents, children, cousins, brothers etc etc 192.168.xxx.xxx always have those numbers which are usually two main 192.168.0.xxx or 192,168 .1. xxx not go into the three types or how they differ or anything like this, if you want to know I leave a link:


And following what he said, I said that many teams may have the same IP address as possible "And not everyone in the world lien? because so many thousands of computers with the same ip ... It is quite simple, what we do is such small numbers can have 10 numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0 and we have 15 teams as we do ... easy


Well, this ... the same with the Ip Ip only have 4 sets of 255 numbers ... do you do you account? 4,294,967,296 na more ... because they are running out and that is why it has developed the IP V6 that gives just a few more, ore or less not to sproporciona Ip 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 systems According to Wikipedia ml ejeje billion addresses per mm2 of the earth ....

Well my uncle, I have not said how it is possible that many teams have the same IP address, if you look at the above example we have the 1 and then 1.1 and 1.2, and then later 2.1, and 2.2 as we see the 1 is used many times in the 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, for example in 1.1.1, or 4.6.1 if we use ijames us again and again but is in a group different ... the same goes for those Ip 192.168.xxx.xxx because they are housed in a group with other identifier and this is responsible for the modem / router, this has an Ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and within that we can accommodate these 192.168.xxx.xxx internet but when we do not use these direccioness very easy access which is www.miip.es and you will see your Internet IP, which I assure you ... not sure 192.168.xxx.xxx.

Well I do not know if I can explain very well but hopefully if you have doubts and you know it touches, and Ask me Ask me, and gradually improve in my explanations.

A greeting and thanks for your monitor.

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